
Dear Anon

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#1 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2021-07-27 08:44 🌎 rip

Dear Anon,
That a discussion on religion would be what drove us apart is all to ironic, and whereas I can be disingenuous about my beliefs I praise you for your principals. You truly showed me a new perspective on life. I am sure we would both agree I was not in a place for any kind of relationship --not that ours was particularly romantic outside of the bedroom-- however you really did ground me when I needed grounding so bad. I'm fact anon without sounding to clique you really did save my life. Indeed I was drifting when I met you and very desperately needed someone to fill a void that was left by another. Whereas I should have turned to God instead I turned to you. This of course was unfair to you however my conduct was weak and fretting and there you were strong. And you did fill that void that was left. Not so much in that it was left a void but that apart of me was torn out, and there I was on the floor bleeding when you offered yourself as a tourniquet for a time. I long cherish the times we had together and wish they had not ended but I see clearly it was best for you for them to end. I could not provide for you what you needed emotionally, especially in that weak state my soul was in. I hope this letter does not appear strange to you, I figured sending it via the post was the least invasive way I could express these sentiments. I know it is probably inappropriate for me to even send this however these experiences we had and these things I feel needed to be expressed. Anon I am not exaggerating in saying you saved me, and without you I really would not be sitting on this side of heaven today. I remember you often in my prayers and thank God for our time together. More importantly than all of this you taught me to expect more from others and to work in harmony with those around me. For this I am grateful.

John Smith

#2 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2021-07-27 11:39 🌎 rip

In January, a priest in Wisconsin was actually reassigned after conducting—and streaming—election fraud-related exorcisms, offering a veer of religious legitimacy to Donald Trump’s election lies. (The priest also complained about “catholic antifa.”)

#3 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2021-07-29 18:40 🌎 rip



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