Oh, look... the /gikopoi/ board finally comes back from the dead!
Oh, look... the /gikopoi/ board finally comes back from the dead!
gikopoi is not real
Yes it is.
Top google search result for "Gikopoi".
Links back to this website.
Next you'll say mellowchan isn't real?
Take your meds kuz.
kuz isn't real either
self-denial isn't healthy
Some giant fat-ass hamster freak just crawled into my Gikopoipoi world. Apparently, it's named Puffy. Can someone solve this problem?
it's モルモット aka guinea pig, not a hamster u raycis
as of today gikopoipoi.net domain is broken
gikopoi currently works at https://play.gikopoi.com/
Main server is working again.
I’m gonna poi
Please do not implement hijab Shii, we don't need any mudslimes joining and thinking it's their new homeland
seethe raycis
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