
New Info on the Identity of Tokiko

source: 🌎rip ♦ tags: #irc #tokiko ||

#1 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2021-06-18 18:34 🌎 rip

===N3W 1^F0R/\/\AT10N 0^ T0k1k0===
Members of the cult of ripirc
Esteemed Bees of Sageru
Kolyma Autists
After several days of half assed work
The many elite members of the Rizon #ADL
Have uncovered new information on the identity of the hacker known as tokiko
What we have learned
Is that he is currently contriving
With Russian hacker kuz
Israeli hacker weev
And Latino hacker killsushi
What they are seeking of doing
By harassing the pure autism of multichannel


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