
The rules of gikopoi...

source: 🌎mellow ♦ tags: #gikopoi ||

#1 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2022-01-27 07:36 🌎 mellow

Rule #1 -- you won't leave, you're here forever

#2 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2022-01-27 07:37 🌎 mellow

Rule #2 -- if you do leave, you were never here to begin with. You're someone's sock.

#2,1 )) Name: Anonymous @ 2022-07-16 04:40

Rule #3 -- no saying the N word 😳

#2,2 )) Name: Little_mac @ 2022-07-26 08:41


archduke broke rule 3

#2,3 )) Name: Archduke !cRwJk8JEBs @ 2022-07-26 08:49

call the cops


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