Tag #vape @ 0chan Anonymous http://0chan.vip/tags/vape 2021-10-09T17:48:05+00:00 [local] Cigarettes http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1633801685 2021-10-09T17:48:05+00:00 2021-10-09T17:48:05+00:00 What kind of cigarettes do you prefer?<br><br>I like quick burning American-blend tobacco, like Marlboro red. [local] nicotine vaping general http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1623281323 2021-06-09T23:28:43+00:00 2021-06-09T23:28:43+00:00 Vape general! Share info on boxes / coils, talk about your juice you got, talk about vaping in news and politics, ask questions. <br><br>I currently use a SMOK "G-Priv Baby" box mod with a Geek Vape "Zeus X 25mm RTA" tank. not sure what vape juices are really the right ones for me yet, but it's a nice setup