The #RIPIRC chads won, and kuz incels lost.
> -- 1
> -- 0
Kuz is a bitch who manipulates disabled NEETs into providing high-value labor in exchange for empty promises of compensation. When his ``employees" face dire circumstances, and beg for kuz to deliver on his end of the bargain, kuz :
(a) blackmails,
(b) threatens,
(c) plays games,
(d) bitches out,
(e) all of the above
Kuz is a bitch. Alleged dox:
> Yuri M. Kuznetsov
> DOB 1988-06-30
> Loc : East Tennessee , USA
The Kuznet:
> -- network entrance
> -- main operation
> -- analyze this!
> -- easy target
> -- high priority
> #ru
> #heyuri
2190 Ellington Way
Knoxville, TN 37932
Yuri Kuznetsov develops "anonymous style" software to collect information on vulnerable people (teenagers, the mentally ill, children, perverts) who believe his network is "safe" for them to use, due to the anonymous face and the HTTPS certificate. However, he has used his slave labor to fill Kokonotsuba software with browser fingerprinting, IP loggers, stylometric analysis, etc to identify users of his site so he can sell collected data or use to blackmail prospective Kuznetsov Crime Family slaves. Similar to "Reiko" feud that swept through Discord, where groomers extorted a group of minors who were silenced and forced to work as underage cyber sex slaves for tiers of massive proportions . The Western internet still doesn't know who Kuz is or why they should avoid him.
Kuz requires new "employees" to install a Linux tool to "interface" with Heyuri developer team, it's really a packet sniffer that can be used to activate ransom-ware like features.
Big win for the ripirc community
I heard kuz has aids IRL lol. Fucking epic.
kuz is literally the worst meme ever. cancel kuz.
Look at that face. Look at that pathetic face. This fucking guy. Thinks he'll ever amount to anything with a face like that? No wonder he never leaves his shitty little apartment. No wonder his only friends are mentally I'll teenage trannies he's blackmailing.
If you want to verify any of this information with kuz you can just call his cell at +1 (865)-209-2086.
Kuz is winning like Trump is winning