Tag #meta @ 0chan Anonymous http://0chan.vip/tags/meta 2024-01-12T17:39:46+00:00 [local] New board soft http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1705081186 2024-01-12T17:39:46+00:00 2024-01-12T17:39:46+00:00 https://bbs.gikopoi.com<br><br>Same author as multichan / 0chan.vip<br>... enjoy , still in "beta" [local] /ck/ request http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1695719363 2023-09-26T09:09:23+00:00 2023-09-26T09:09:23+00:00 very nice board thisone, where does one go about discussing food and cooking and lifestyle and such [local] Hello http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1694363837 2023-09-10T16:37:17+00:00 2023-09-10T16:37:17+00:00 Tap tap tap... this thing on? [local] Marsya Hanis Binti Mohamad Ayof http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1662913749 2022-09-11T16:29:09+00:00 2022-09-11T16:29:09+00:00 Cease from spamming this site and/or get psychiatric help. [local] New textboard software... WIP http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1660582427 2022-08-15T16:53:47+00:00 2022-08-15T16:53:47+00:00 in the way that multichan introduced the concepts of tags, federation, embedded media, and pseudo-boards to the "textverse" ... my new script POHON is going to be a tag- and tree-based textboard, with additional ideas for features being accepted<br><br>https://github.com/153/pohon [local] Things I want to add http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1657851840 2022-07-15T02:24:00+00:00 2022-07-15T02:24:00+00:00 Things I want to add to multichan: <br><br>1. Admin panel <br>2. Federated deletes<br>3. API v3 <br>4. Multiple image hosts support<br><br>Not sure what else should be priority. [mellow] Mellowchan - Sageru alliance against Gikopoi http://0chan.vip/threads/mellow/1645919032 2022-02-26T23:43:52+00:00 2022-02-26T23:43:52+00:00 Mellowchan - Sageru alliance against Gikopoi<br><br>iccanobif refused bee character from meltingwax.<br>mafcadio refused bee character from puffy.<br>archduke is currently in the psych ward at UW medical center.<br><br>We need to retaliate bros. There can be no sageru future until the enemies of sageru are properly dealt with. We must strike swiftly and without mercy. When you fuck a beehive, don't be surprised if you end up getting stung... [mellow] irc.mellowchan.xyz 6697 discussion http://0chan.vip/threads/mellow/1638526867 2021-12-03T10:21:07+00:00 2021-12-03T10:21:07+00:00 hi, im an admin for mellowchan irc<br><br>here's a meta thread<br><br>questions, advice, tweets, just post whatever and party! [local] Return of 0chan http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1633746815 2021-10-09T02:33:35+00:00 2021-10-09T02:33:35+00:00 After ... unspecified incidents, the admin has decided to resume 0chan as a temporarily unfederated board as an experiment. Time and interest permitting, development will resume.<br><br>Hello to everyone still out there! <br>What's new? [rip] Ripirc is Eternal http://0chan.vip/threads/rip/1632617882 2021-09-26T00:58:02+00:00 2021-09-26T00:58:02+00:00 ripirc is eternal<br>ripirc cannot be killed<br>ripirc is eternal [local] BlackBerry Playbook http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1625696881 2021-07-07T22:28:01+00:00 2021-07-07T22:28:01+00:00 Hello. Recently I bought a BlackBerry Playbook. I'm very happy to say that it's working perfectly with this website. The person who made this software is a genius and should get a Nobel Prize for Peace or at least a Nobel Prize for Chemistry. That is my opinion. What do you think? [local] An XMPP server by 0chan http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1625003125 2021-06-29T21:45:25+00:00 2021-06-29T21:45:25+00:00 Would anyone want an XMPP account here if I set up a server? It seems pretty lightweight and easy to run. It's a great protocol for 1 on 1 private messaging, and the MUCs (with their bots and bridges) seem extremely promising [rip] We did it folks http://0chan.vip/threads/rip/1624585994 2021-06-25T01:53:14+00:00 2021-06-25T01:53:14+00:00 The Regents of Ripirc:<br>we did it folks!<br>we defeated kuz.<br>ripirc.org is running normally and now impervious to kuz's spam.<br>we are now in contact with his ISP to get his service taken away.<br>a cease and desist letter from cull's family lawyer is on its way.<br>big victory for the ripirc community. [local] Reminder to new users, as we grow http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1624577784 2021-06-24T23:36:24+00:00 2021-06-24T23:36:24+00:00 Most websites have a rules page that can be seen here: <br>> http://0chan.vip/rules<br><br>If you wondered why your post was deleted, it probably violated rule #1. Most of the posts we've deleted are either out-right spam or are using hate speech just for the sake of using hate speech. <br><br>There are other Multichan servers who seem to allow spam or hate speech. Go use one of them, or consider hosting your own server where you can be assured that another person's conflicting moderation philosophy won't spoil your fun. <br><br>We rarely ban users, thinking that deletes will generally get the message across. It's worth reminding the community that use of https://0chan.vip is a privilege, not a right. Although Multichan is public domain software, meaning you can use it for whatever purposes you want, https://0chan.vip is a private service offered by the developer to demonstrate the software's current state of development, and to allow interesting people to have interesting conversations in a relaxed place. Your posts or ability to post may vanish at any point for any reason. If you try to be a good community member, though, that probably won't happen. [rip] A Statement on Federation with Kuzlol http://0chan.vip/threads/rip/1624406577 2021-06-23T00:02:57+00:00 2021-06-23T00:02:57+00:00 The Regents of Ripirc:<br>We have decided that further federation with kuzlol is impossible and will be braking federation at 00:00 UTC 06-24-21.<br>We encourage our friends at 0chan, 4x13 chan, and sageru to consider doing the same. [local] 2021-05// The future of tags http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621930397 2021-05-25T08:13:17+00:00 2021-05-25T08:13:17+00:00 > Tag owners: <br>Through some registration process, a user can moderate posts, threads, and comments within a tag. This is similar to IRC, 8chan, or Reddit. There will also be janitors, who can only delete comments/threads or issue temporary bans. <br>> Tag view operators: <br>Currently, "+" is used to logically OR tags like Reddit/8chan (show everything in tagA and show everything in tagB together). Soon, "~" will be used to logically AND tags (only show threads in BOTH tagA and tagB) and negate "~". <br>> Possibly, namespaces:<br>The owner of a tag (such as #anime) owns ":subtags" (for example, #anime:oddtaxi ).<br>> Different sort methods <br>At some random point, sort by most replies, last reply, time created for threads will be possible <br><br>Things like stickies, locking, and permasage, or sage at all, are not something I've given much thought yet. <br><br>https://i.imgur.com/HLnt2Ax.png [local] Tor Federation from Clearnet http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621910060 2021-05-25T02:34:20+00:00 2021-05-25T02:34:20+00:00 Repo has been updated so that it should be possible for clearnet nodes to federate with Tor without too much effort. <br><br>http://l2lkxx6dhhe6o6pkxj6m2nrdtmekmxoeunuklrkayolfqkjgz53rzbad.onion/ is a multichan node that's been translated into Finnish, so I have called it "Finns". [local] How to make images in multich work http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621906427 2021-05-25T01:33:47+00:00 2021-05-25T01:33:47+00:00 https://i.imgur.com/075nF.jpg<br>1. In settings.py set these values:<br>> images = True<br>> ihost = "https://i.imgur.com/"<br><br>2. Make sure you're using the latest utils.py and viewer.py files: <br>> https://bitbucket.org/796f/multichan<br><br>3. Now, if someone links an image from "ihost", it should appear as an image at the bottom of the post. We are using https://i.imgur.com because we figure their moderation team is trustworthy enough. <br><br>The first linked image will be embedded at the bottom of the post. If you wish to enable multiple image embeds or use a different imagehost , look in utils.py at the imgur function. [rip] How to join the Matrix http://0chan.vip/threads/rip/1621899351 2021-05-24T23:35:51+00:00 2021-05-24T23:35:51+00:00 (desktop)<br>1. https://app.element.io/<br>2. "Create account"<br>3. When it asks for "create account on" [website], replace matrix.org with<br>https://matrix.kiwifarms.net<br>4. Pick a good username and password!!! <br><br>You can join the Ripirc room @ #ripirc:privacytools.io <br><br>Good luck! [local] How to rename a multich friend http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621790038 2021-05-23T17:13:58+00:00 2021-05-23T17:13:58+00:00 pirate said, on 2021-05-23 at 08:26 <br>> Speaking of which, horse fucker eels aside, I'm going to write a<br>> tool to make migrations easier. For now, here's the gist of how<br>> they happen. If a board changes URLs, our best practice for now<br>> is to assign the old URL / set of posts a new nickname, and then<br>> one can give the "proper" name to the new domain.<br>> Set the old board's URL to " " or similar in settings.py!<br>> The trick to "renaming" a board (e.g. from "old" to "new") is this :<br><br>First, replace every ./threads/*/*/old.txt with ./threads/*/*/new.txt<br>I did this by<br>> ls ./threads/*/*/old.txt > files.txt<br>and then I used an emacs macro to make every instance of (for example)<br>> ./threads/somewhere/12345/old.txt<br> become<br>> mv ./threads/somewhere/12345/old.txt ./threads/somewhere/12345/new.txt<br><br>Next, replace every instance of "old" in every threads/*/*/list.txt<br>with "new" -- generate a file list with<br>> ls ./threads/*/*/list.txt > files.txt<br>I again used emacs in this file to prefix every instance like<br>> ./threads/somewhere/12345/list.txt<br>with the rename command:<br>> sed -i "s/old/new/g" ./threads/somewhere/12345/list.txt<br><br>Finally,<br>> mv ./threads/old/ ./threads/new/<br>> sed -i "s/old/new/g" ./threads/list.txt<br>After you run python3 refresh.py, the board's name will have changed<br>properly, while >>replies stay intact. <br> [rip] Testing "double ripirc" bug http://0chan.vip/threads/rip/1621763750 2021-05-23T09:55:50+00:00 2021-05-23T09:55:50+00:00 Test post, nothing special [local] Statement on association with peers http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621760207 2021-05-23T08:56:47+00:00 2021-05-23T08:56:47+00:00 Our decision to federate with nodes that do not appear to moderate content is not an endorsement of their policies or their user's policies. As the recent "stats" thread shows, 0chan removes sometimes substantial numbers of its own posts, and fair amounts of its peers. <br><br>One reason we refuse to allow hate speech on our own servers is because, morality and ethics aside, it's simply not a good look for the project. And if there are people who wish to use our server to spread hate, we would rather they stay the h*ll away. <br><br>Guilt by association plays commonly into fear tactics used by enemies of federation. But at the end of the day, it's important to keep in mind that (a) any anonymous person in the world can archive any public content, and (b) people who wish to stretch the limits of free speech will find a way to do so. <br><br>Multichan is a neutral technology. We plan to introduce more features into an web based admin panel to help people who are not UNIX wizards manage their boards, but we will not force any blocks/wordfilters/spam entries in the vanilla release. Free software is an important software, and we not only embrace but extend the ideals of free software by releasing multich into the public domain since the project began. This software belongs to no one, and it can be modified or used in any way you wish. You can even rebrand Multichan, put it on branded USB flash drives, and sell it for $200, we don't care. <br><br>The values of 0chan.vip (this individual instance) are expressed in our rules page linked at the top of the page. We do not want spam, hate speech, illegal content, or anything generally "obscene". This is a private server ran and moderated by an individual at his own expense. Not only does he do it for free, he pays to be a janny! <br><br>More importantly than dark thoughts one can take towards the Multichannel project (multich), we really do believe (rule #2) that federation is a means of establishing freedom, resisting censorship, allowing people to meet and share ideas they usually couldn't (barriers of time, space, class, culture, disability) ... our software is not fundamentally different than any other messageboard. <br><br>Don't be afraid to make a post about your passions or weird ideas! Let's make this a place that's fun to visit and hang out together and discuss things [local] test post, please ignore http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621687879 2021-05-22T12:51:19+00:00 2021-05-22T12:51:19+00:00 <img src="https://i.imgur.com/8z0v8r0.jpg"><p>as seen on https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1621686660 [local] Multichan chat service expanded http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1621681470 2021-05-22T11:04:30+00:00 2021-05-22T11:04:30+00:00 Come join the official Multichan chat. It should have a working RSS updater for new threads -- perhaps for comments will come later. Otherwise, talk with the developers or members of our community! <br><br>Rules of decent civility apply. <br><br>> Web chat (guests allowed)<br>http://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=0chan<br><br>> IRC:<br>irc://irc.rizon.net/0chan<br>irc://irc.libera.chat/multich <br>> Matrix:<br>#multich:privacytools.io [local] why the hecc is there no multich imageboard http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1620768420 2021-05-11T21:27:00+00:00 2021-05-11T21:27:00+00:00 ? [local] why does it make 2 threads http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1614558229 2021-03-01T00:23:49+00:00 2021-03-01T00:23:49+00:00 why [local] HTTPS? http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1614213308 2021-02-25T00:35:08+00:00 2021-02-25T00:35:08+00:00 I don't know much about the subject, so don't shit on me if this sounds stupid. But why isn't the site HTTPS? Isn't that best for anonyminity and privacy? [local] 0chan IRC chat room http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1609556228 2021-01-02T02:57:08+00:00 2021-01-02T02:57:08+00:00 Hi all, <br>I decided to launch an IRC room for 0chan.vip + the multichan software / network. IRC is a 33 year old chat software that works fairly well. <br>If you don't have a proper IRC client (like Hexchat or mIRC) installed, the web client does fine. <br><br>> Server: <br>irc.rizon.net<br>> Room: <br>#0chan <br>> Web link: <br>https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=0chan<br><br>Note for new IRC users: <br>Chat rooms do not show previous messages upon joining and can be quiet for long periods of time. IRC users often join multiple chatrooms (called "channels") and then leaving the program running in the background for a while, maybe after sending a few messages. [local] How does one sage http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1609052981 2020-12-27T07:09:41+00:00 2020-12-27T07:09:41+00:00 I don't always feel like my contributions are worth aging. I'm not a good poster, to be frank. [local] Cool site http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1608276444 2020-12-18T07:27:24+00:00 2020-12-18T07:27:24+00:00 I really like what Im seeing here. Not entirely sure how it all works (where will this post to?). I love seeing people innovate with the basic message board style. I think anonymous discussion still has a very important place in modern society, but that might not be the case if people cant adapt with the times.<br><br>I like that this is a textboard too (at least right now). That means there is a 0% chance of me stumbling on cp spam. Thanks for this, ill be around. [local] styles http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1608215512 2020-12-17T14:31:52+00:00 2020-12-17T14:31:52+00:00 dark/tomorrow style when? [local] Switched servers http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1608015553 2020-12-15T06:59:13+00:00 2020-12-15T06:59:13+00:00 Unfortunately, all the old threads are lost. <br><br>Fortunately, I was able to set up a new multich in about 3 minutes. [local] Hello world http://0chan.vip/threads/local/0 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Hello world